[Gen 7] Ubers
The Dovahneer vs. vusty

☆The Dovahneer joined.
☆vusty joined.
[Gen 7] Ubers
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
Mega Rayquaza Clause: You cannot mega evolve Rayquaza
vusty's team: Necrozma-Dusk-Mane / Groudon / Arceus-* / Lunala / Yveltal / Zygarde
The Dovahneer's team: Yveltal / Marshadow / Gengar / Magearna / Arceus-* / Groudon
k3n4y joined.
Slow_Dream joined.
%Qyh joined.
+blasted poppie joined.
Bronya Zaychik重裝小兔 joined.
Hugo Barrington77 joined.
past wind♫ joined.
♚IGJackeylove joined.
idol1900 joined.
Goat heart ❤ joined.

Battle started between The Dovahneer and vusty!

The Dovahneer sent out Yveltal!

Go! Arceus (Arceus-Fairy)!
[The opposing Yveltal's Dark Aura]
The opposing Yveltal is radiating a dark aura!

Turn 1

Arceus used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around the opposing team!

The opposing Yveltal used Toxic!
Arceus was badly poisoned!

Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 2

Hugo Barrington77: Who is vustydovah
The Dovahneer: my opp for the tour
The Dovahneer: idk anything else
Hugo Barrington77: Ahhhh she hot?

Arceus, come back!
Go! Groudon!
Groudon's Primal Reversion! It reverted to its primal state!
[Groudon's Desolate Land]
The sunlight turned extremely harsh!

The Dovahneer withdrew Yveltal!
The Dovahneer sent out Groudon!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Groudon!
The opposing Groudon's Primal Reversion! It reverted to its primal state!

Turn 3

+UBLT1 joined.
cscl joined.
Goat heart ❤: oh is this the team you sent me dovah
Paradise Seeker joined.
Goat heart ❤: that I didn't bring
The Dovahneer: maybe

Groudon used Precipice Blades!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Groudon lost 75% of its health!)

The opposing Groudon used Precipice Blades!
It's super effective!
(Groudon lost 100% of its health!)

Groudon fainted!
Bronya Zaychik重裝小兔 left.
Raiden Mei雷電女王 joined.
Hugo Barrington77: Gg

Go! Lunala!

Turn 4

Lunala used Ice Beam!
(The opposing Groudon lost 19% of its health!)

The opposing Groudon fainted!
The extremely harsh sunlight faded.
past wind♫ left.

The Dovahneer sent out Marshadow!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Marshadow!

Turn 5

Lunala, come back!
Go! Yveltal!
[Yveltal's Dark Aura]
Yveltal is radiating a dark aura!
The opposing Marshadow surrounded itself with its Z-Power!

The opposing Marshadow used Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike!
It's not very effective...
(Yveltal lost 43% of its health!)

Turn 6

♚IGJackeylove left.
Hugo Barrington77 left.
♚IGJackeylove joined.
plat27 joined.
cscl left.
Hugo Barrington77 joined.
Hugo Barrington77 left.

The Dovahneer withdrew Marshadow!
The Dovahneer sent out Magearna!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Magearna!

Yveltal, come back!
Go! Zygarde!

The opposing Magearna restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 7

Hugo Barrington77 joined.

Zygarde, come back!
Go! Necrozma (Necrozma-Dusk-Mane)!

The opposing Magearna used Fleur Cannon!
It's not very effective...
(Necrozma lost 24% of its health!)
The opposing Magearna's Special Attack fell harshly!

Turn 8

plat27 left.
cscl joined.

The Dovahneer withdrew Magearna!
The Dovahneer sent out Yveltal!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Yveltal!
[The opposing Yveltal's Dark Aura]
The opposing Yveltal is radiating a dark aura!

Necrozma used Sunsteel Strike!
(The opposing Yveltal lost 64% of its health!)
Necrozma lost some of its HP!

The opposing Yveltal restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 9

Necrozma, come back!
Go! Arceus (Arceus-Fairy)!

The opposing Yveltal used Roost!
The opposing Yveltal restored its HP.
(The opposing Yveltal loses Flying type this turn.)

The opposing Yveltal restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 10

Arceus, come back!
Go! Zygarde!

The Dovahneer withdrew Yveltal!
The Dovahneer sent out Gengar!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Gengar!

Turn 11

The opposing Gengar's Gengarite is reacting to the Key Stone!
The opposing Gengar has Mega Evolved into Mega Gengar!

The opposing Gengar used Icy Wind!
It's super effective!
(Zygarde lost 80% of its health!)
Zygarde's Speed fell!

Zygarde used Glare!
The opposing Gengar is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Zygarde restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[Zygarde's Power Construct]
You sense the presence of many!
Zygarde transformed into its Complete Forme!

Turn 12

The opposing Gengar is paralyzed! It can't move!

Zygarde used Thousand Arrows!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Gengar lost 88% of its health!)

The opposing Gengar fainted!

Zygarde restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
vusty: mb
Paradise Seeker: smh

The Dovahneer sent out Arceus (Arceus-Ground)!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Arceus!

Turn 13

Zygarde, come back!
Go! Arceus (Arceus-Fairy)!

The opposing Arceus used Defog!
Arceus's evasiveness fell!
The pointed stones disappeared from around the opposing team!

Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 14

Arceus used Toxic!
The opposing Arceus was badly poisoned!

The opposing Arceus used Judgment!
(Arceus lost 31% of its health!)

Arceus was hurt by poison!
The opposing Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 15

Investor-A joined.

Arceus used Recover!
Arceus restored its HP.

The opposing Arceus used Defog!
Arceus's evasiveness fell!

Arceus was hurt by poison!
The opposing Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 16

The Dovahneer withdrew Arceus!
The Dovahneer sent out Magearna!

Arceus used Judgment!
It's not very effective...
(The opposing Magearna lost 14% of its health!)

The opposing Magearna restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 17

Arceus used Recover!
Arceus restored its HP.

The opposing Magearna used Fleur Cannon!
(Arceus lost 40% of its health!)
The opposing Magearna's Special Attack fell harshly!

The opposing Magearna restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 18

Arceus, come back!
Go! Zygarde (Zygarde-Complete)!

The Dovahneer withdrew Magearna!
The Dovahneer sent out Arceus (Arceus-Ground)!

Zygarde restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 19

Zygarde, come back!
Go! Yveltal!
[Yveltal's Dark Aura]
Yveltal is radiating a dark aura!

The opposing Arceus used Judgment!
It doesn't affect Yveltal...

The opposing Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 20

The opposing Arceus used Recover!
The opposing Arceus restored its HP.

Yveltal used Oblivion Wing!
(The opposing Arceus lost 27% of its health!)
The opposing Arceus had its energy drained!

The opposing Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 21

The Dovahneer withdrew Arceus!
The Dovahneer sent out Magearna!

Yveltal, come back!
Go! Necrozma (Necrozma-Dusk-Mane)!

The opposing Magearna restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 22

cscl left.
Hugo Barrington77: Hi Paradise Seeker

The Dovahneer withdrew Magearna!
The Dovahneer sent out Yveltal!
[The opposing Yveltal's Dark Aura]
The opposing Yveltal is radiating a dark aura!

Necrozma used Sunsteel Strike!
A critical hit!
(The opposing Yveltal lost 74% of its health!)
Necrozma lost some of its HP!

The opposing Yveltal fainted!
vusty: 。。
Hugo Barrington77: do you need subs for this tour
vusty: mb
Hugo Barrington77: I wanna play

The Dovahneer sent out Marshadow!

Turn 23

Raiden Mei雷電女王: ...
cscl joined.
+blasted poppie left.

Necrozma, come back!
Go! Arceus (Arceus-Fairy)!

The opposing Marshadow used Close Combat!
It's not very effective...
(Arceus lost 21% of its health!)
The opposing Marshadow's Defense fell!
The opposing Marshadow's Special Defense fell!

Arceus was hurt by poison!

Arceus fainted!

Go! Zygarde (Zygarde-Complete)!

Turn 24

The Dovahneer withdrew Marshadow!
The Dovahneer sent out Arceus (Arceus-Ground)!

Zygarde used Substitute!
Zygarde put in a substitute!
(Zygarde lost 25% of its health!)

Zygarde restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 25

The opposing Arceus used Ice Beam!
It's super effective!
Zygarde's substitute faded!

Zygarde used Thousand Arrows!
(The opposing Arceus lost 17% of its health!)

Zygarde restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 26

Zygarde, come back!
Go! Yveltal!
[Yveltal's Dark Aura]
Yveltal is radiating a dark aura!

The opposing Arceus used Recover!
The opposing Arceus restored its HP.

The opposing Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 27

The opposing Arceus used Recover!
The opposing Arceus restored its HP.

Yveltal used Oblivion Wing!
(The opposing Arceus lost 27% of its health!)
The opposing Arceus had its energy drained!

The opposing Arceus was hurt by poison!

Turn 28

The Dovahneer withdrew Arceus!
The Dovahneer sent out Marshadow!

Yveltal used Oblivion Wing!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Marshadow lost 94% of its health!)

The opposing Marshadow fainted!
The Dovahneer: gg

The Dovahneer forfeited.

vusty won the battle!
vusty: gg
%Qyh left.
vusty made this room hidden.
Investor-A left.
☆The Dovahneer left.
Hugo Barrington77 left.
Raiden Mei雷電女王 left.
Slow_Dream left.
cscl left.
cscl joined.
k3n4y left.
+UBLT1 left.
cscl left.
Goat heart ❤ left.
~WwlWss joined.
Investor-A joined.
Investor-A left.